The European Journal of Economics, Law and Politics (ELP) is committed to upholding the highest editorial standards of publication ethics and best practice.
The journal and publisher take all possible measures against any publication malpractices, and adhere to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and its Core Practices, and procedures for investigating publication ethics.
All authors submitting their works to the ELP for publication attest that the submitted works represent an original work, that the authors’ contributions have not been copied or plagiarized in whole or in part from other works.
The authors acknowledge that they have disclosed all and any actual or potential conflicts of interest with their work or partial benefits associated with it. In the same manner, the ELP is committed to objective and fair peer-review of the submitted works for publication, and it focuses on preventing any actual or potential conflict of interests between the editorial and review personnel and the reviewed material.
ELP follows the following COPE flowcharts to investigate concerns around intellectual property:
The journal is vigilant in upholding the ethical standards of research conduct and publishing, and will take appropriate actions on forms of misconduct such as (but not limited to):
This committee is consisted of the ELP Managing Editor, Editor-in-Chief, and the Associate editor. It is chaired by the Managing Editor. Its primary role is to cope with the complaints received by the editorial office.
Within 7 days of a reception, the ELP Managing Editor shall forward the complaint to all the committee members and other interested parties.
The committee members shall discuss the validity of the complaint and express their opinion within two (2) weeks of its reception.
If necessary, the Managing Editor will include ELP reviewers in the process to obtain their opinion. Opinions from advisory editors may also be required.
Within four (4) weeks from the reception, final decision on the complaint will be made and sent to the parties. This timeframe might be prolonged in specific cases.
ELP publishes corrections, retractions, and expressions of concern as appropriately and quickly as possible. We follow the ICMJE and COPE guidelines where applicable.
ELP will issue a notice of correction to document and correct substantial errors that appear in online articles when these errors significantly affect the content or understanding of the work reported (e.g., error in data presentation or analysis) or when the error affects the publication’s metadata (e.g., misspelling of an author’s name). In these cases, ELP will publish a correction linked to the original article.
ELP requires all named authors to have contributed to an article in at least one of the following ways:
The European Journal of Economics, Law and Politics requests authors provide a conflict of interest statement for each author, to warrant no such conflicts exist.
All authors must declare funding sources, whether or not a study was funded, and the role of funders in any aspects of the work (e.g. research design, data analysis, writing of the submitted work or influence over publication decisions).
All reviewers are required to declare any conflicts of interest prior to agreeing to review a manuscript.
The ELP Editorial Office consists of an Editor in Chief, Associate Editor and Managing Editor.
All members of the ELP Editorial Board must declare any conflicts of interest prior to joining the Board.
Each ELP reviewer has its own profile which is publicly available on the website (editorial board section). The profile consists of the domain of expertise, number of reviews conducted for ELP and date of joining the editorial board.
ELP is a fully peer-reviewed journal. All papers undergo initial screening by the members of the Editorial Office. Papers that are considered for publication are subjected to a double blind peer -review process, where the reviewers of the paper don’t get to know the identity of the authors, and vice versa. The journal also supports open reviewing and gives authors and reviewers the option to make their names and reports publicly available alongside the published paper. Every single paper submitted to the ELP undergoes a rigorous peer review procedure by at least two ELP reviewers.
The journal does not guarantee manuscript acceptance under any circumstances.
The journal always strives to perform a fast and efficient review process for every paper, but cannot guarantee a specific time in which a decision can be made.
The journal does not favour decisions based on author-suggested reviewers, to minimise conflicts of interest.
In order to review a paper, all reviewers warrant that they have no conflict of interest in reviewing, can provide unbiased opinions on the scientific soundness of the work, and will treat their review and contents of the article with utmost confidentially.
To aid out educational goals, we encourage peer reviewers and journal editors, to participate in the free Introduction to Publication Ethics eLearning module offered by COPE.
ELP acceptance rate for 2020 is 49%. .
Every single paper submitted to the ELP undergoes a rigorous peer-review procedure by at least two ELP reviewers.
As of April 2018, ELP uses Portico as an archiving solution. Portico is among the largest community-supported digital archives in the world. Working with libraries and publishers, they preserve e-journals, e-books, and other electronic scholarly content to ensure researchers and students will have access to it in the future.
Moreover, along the online content, every ELP edition appears in print version. It also represents a preservation solution. Many hard copies have already been disseminated to Universities and individuals around the world.
The ELP does not accept paid advertising on its website or journals. Article-processing charges support the ELP. The ELP Editorial Office may, from time to time, use the website to provide notification of programs and conferences sponsored by either the ESI or the ELP.